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Save by storing in our secure Warehouse. Have your items delivered to your home at your convenience.


Save by storing in our secure Warehouse. Have your items delivered to your home at your convenience.

Flexible access,
lowest monthly rate

Get an affordable quote online in minutes.
  • Low monthly rate
  • Online photo catalog of your items
  • Moving & packing help available
  • Home pickup & delivery for purchase

The most flexible &
affordable storage

Low monthly rate

Answer a few questions and we’ll get you a customized quote in under 2 minutes.

Customize your move-in

Choose a do-it-yourself option or let our team help you pack and move into storage.

Flexible deliveries & pickups

Tap the items you want in your online photo catalog and we’ll deliver them to your home.

your storage

Public Storage
Truck & driver available
Home pickup & delivery available
Packing help available
Packing supplies available
Online photo catalog
Individual item delivery

We’ve stored for 52,000+ customers

With everything inventoried and the option to have Clutter bring back any item at any time, we could store our extra belongings without stress or arguments.
Door to Door customer in SF
I truly swear by this service. Clutter is extremely convenient storage without the hassle of having to pack, move, and store things yourself.
Door to Door customer in Chicago

A technology-first approach to storage

Our state of the art storage facilities keep your items organized and safe.

With your online photo catalog browse your items and have them delivered directly to your home.

Our team

Hand Selected
We’ve invested in building a full-time team of storage professionals who are thoroughly vetted to be the best of the best.
All team members are W-2 workers that receive full benefits like health insurance and paid time off.
We train our team to sweat the details and to handle your items with the utmost care. The things you love, are safe with us.

A fresh take on the
storage industry

Clutter is flexible—you can always add and remove items, and you’ll only pay for what you store. To give you an accurate rate, we’ll help you estimate how much space you need while you’re getting your quote. If on the day of your appointment, you use less or more space than originally quoted for, we’ll let you know and adjust your monthly rate accordingly.
Of course! Any time you want to add items to storage, simply log into your account portal and schedule a pickup. All pickups and deliveries are charged per hour.
You can use your online photo catalog to select what items you want returned and when, from the convenience of your home. Our Full Service deliveries are charged per hour. On select eligible items, you can have FedEx ground ship your items in storage anywhere nationwide for a flat rate fee.
Our warehouses are located outside the city so we can pass along savings to you. We have locations across North America in almost every major metropolitan area of the United States and Toronto.
Our state of the art warehouses are clean and have 24/7 security. Only trained warehouse staff can access the facilities, so your items are in good hands.