DIY & Apartment Hacks

Essential Spring Cleaning Checklist: Don’t Miss These Key Areas!

Essential Spring Cleaning Checklist: Don’t Miss These Key Areas! Expand options

Spring is the season of renewal. Flowers are growing. Birds are chirping. It’s time to get cleaning! 

Spring cleaning is one tradition that is actually productive. It is a time to deep clean and to reorganize to keep your household healthy and tidy. Homeowners tend to neglect many locations around the house during spring cleaning regimens. Check out this spring cleaning checklist — don’t miss these spots to ensure every part of your home is clean!

Underneath Tables and Chairs

How often do you think about what could be lurking on the underside of your tables and chairs? Probably not often, but now you’re aware. You might overlook this area of your home since you don’t spend time looking under tables and chairs, but they deserve some attention this spring. You might find tiny bits of food and dust to clean.

Light Fixtures

Another often overlooked area when cleaning is the lighting fixtures. If you’ve noticed your rooms have been a bit dim, then it’s probably time to clean the lights! Dust the delicate fixtures, and remove more sturdy and solid fixtures so you can soak them in the sink and scrub them with a rag. Rinse them and let them air dry.

Toothbrush Holder

You probably wipe down the outside and top of your toothbrush holder, but you should clean the inside of it too. Every time you brush your teeth, the extra water and toothpaste residue runs down your toothbrush and into the bottom of the holder, leaving a moist area for bacteria to grow. Regularly soak your toothbrush holder. 

Medicine Cabinet

If you’re like most people, you likely have some expired medicines in your medicine cabinet and only really go in there when someone is sick. If you use the medicine cabinet often, there might be some toothpaste and lotion residue there, too. Remove all of the items from the cabinet and give it a deep clean.



Your garage is where you store your car and many other items to keep them out of your home. While you want to keep those items out of your house to prevent an eyesore — like storage containers, workbenches and mudroom items — they tend to be overlooked when it comes to cleaning. Your best bet is to take everything out of the garage, sort it, perhaps have a garage sale and give your garage a deep clean, including the door, walls and floor.

Garbage Cans


It might seem counterintuitive, but you should clean your garbage cans both inside and out of your home. Garbage leaves behind bacteria and a lingering scent that no one wants to smell. Clean out your garbage cans regularly and use a disinfectant to ensure it’s clean and bacteria-free. 

Mattress and Throw Pillows


You likely clean your pillowcases and sheets reasonably often. However, how often do you clean your actual pillows and mattress? Over the years, people and pets in your home use the pillows and mattresses and neglecting to clean them means that years of built-up hair and dust mites lie on them. Vacuum your throw pillows and mattress every once in a while.

Grab Your Supplies and Get Cleaning!


Creating a handwritten list helps prevent missing some of these more hidden and forgettable locations. Add these items to your list so you don’t forget about them when you spring clean this year.


AUTHOR BIO: Cora’s passion is to inspire others to live a happy, healthful, and mindful life through her words on Revivalist – wholeheartedly convincing them that everyday moments are worth celebrating. Cora has spent 5+ years writing for numerous lifestyle sites – hence her sincere love for both life and the beauty of style in all things. Keep up with Cora on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook.

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